Cherchies Blog

Sherried Tomato Recipe

side dishes, snacksSheri SpalloneComment

Sherried Tomato Recipe

Cook Time:  8-10 minutes

Difficulty:  Easy

As I mentioned in the latter part of the summer, this year's garden was exceptional!  I had a plethora of tomatoes!    

I think I'm on round three but sadly, this will be the last of the tomatoes for the season, as we live in Pennsylvania and the leaves have started to turn.

I came across this mouth-watering recipe from my mother-in-law and had to post it.  Our Lemon Dill Seasoning or our New Basil Pizzazz elevates this recipe to a new level!

This quick and easy tomato recipe takes advantage of summer's bounty and is a fantastic side dish or snack.  In fact, this recipe would make a tasty appetizer!

Ingredients (For each tomato half)

Remove stem from the tomato and cut in half (Tip: slice a little off the bottom of the tomato, so it lays flat when cooking). Place cut-side up on a cookie sheet.  Pierce tomato with a fork and sprinkle with sherry and pepper.

Broil tomatoes for 2 to 3 minutes.

In a small bowl combine Cherchies Lem 'n Dill Seasoning, (or Basil Pizzazz) mayonnaise, and feta cheese.  Spoon dill mixture over tomato halves.

Broil tomatoes an additional 2 to 3 minutes or until slightly browned.  Serve hot.  Serves 1 (I doubled this recipe for the pictures).  

Now you know yet another way to use up your tomatoes from your garden.


